
News Archive


Posted 05/19/2020

For immediate release: 

May 19, 2020 


For more information, contact: 

Dan Rorvig, NDSA president: (701) 797-7338 • 

Julie Ellingson, NDSA executive vice president: (701) 223-2522 • 

Emily Bendish, NDSA communications director: (701) 223-2522 • 


North Dakota Stockmen’s Association reacts 

to Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 


North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) President Dan Rorvig, a McVille, N.D., cow-calf producer, issued the following statement today after President Donald Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue released details of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), which includes some immediate relief for agriculture, including direct support to agricultural producers: 


“COVID-19 has delivered a gut punch to farm and ranch families across North Dakota and the nation, sending markets in a nosedive and creating unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. Leading economists estimate a $14-billion-and-growing economic impact to the cattle industry alone. 


“North Dakota ranchers appreciate the support of Congress and the Administration through the CFAP, which is a first step in delivering much-needed relief to the folks who put food on the world’s table. North Dakota’s Congressional delegation, who were tireless advocates for our producers, deserve a special tip of the hat for their work on this important package. 


“There is obviously still much work to do to address the needs of North Dakota’s cow-calf producers, stockers and feeders, and we stand ready to work with decision-makers to provide additional resources to those who may not be sufficiently addressed under the current program.” 




The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association is a 90-year-old beef cattle trade organization representing approximately 3,000 cattle-ranching families. Its mission is to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef industry. For more information, visit
